Elizabeth Koldyke Boolbol
Board Chair, Founder
Elizabeth’s passion for global social justice compelled her to launch PEHT in 2016. In addition to her role at PEHT as founder and Board Chair, Elizabeth is an active volunteer in Fairfield County’s philanthropic community. She has worked as a board member on behalf of World Vision Fairfield County, Greens Farms Academy, Stanwich School, Stanwich Congregational Church, and Project Blessing.
Through her extensive experiences in the Chicago, Los Angeles, Colorado and New York markets, Elizabeth brings an array of public relations, marketing, and real estate development expertise to the anti-trafficking movement. Most recently, Elizabeth led a real estate development business, building and selling single family homes in Fairfield County.
Elizabeth graduated from Dartmouth College and holds an MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Business, Northwestern University. She lives in Greenwich, CT, with her husband Robert and their four children.