Get Help Now

Are You Experiencing Trafficking or in Need of Support?

If you answer yes to any of the following or need assistance, please contact the resources on this page.

Are you or someone you know being forced to have sex for money or something of value?

Are you or someone you know under 18 and engaging in commercial sex?

Are you or someone you know being made to work or perform services against your will?

Help is available—don’t hesitate to reach out.


Contact The National Trafficking Hotline

Click Here

or Call 1-888-373-7888



If you are someone you know  

is in immediate danger

Call 911

Are You Interested in PEHT's Programs?


Apply for Services

Click Here



Apply for Our Residential Program

Click Here



Apply for Job Training

Click Here


"I no longer feel like I am nothing. I'm transforming into someone I once thought was impossible!"

 -Lily, Survivor & PEHT Resident