Alayne O. Ashman
Development and Business Operations Manager
Alayne is a Bridgeport resident who has a passion for building community and making connections wherever she sees a need. She spends her time volunteering with different nonprofits and holds a seat on the Emerging Leaders Council for Make-A-Wish Connecticut as the Volunteer Liaison.
Before joining PEHT, Alayne worked at Yale University School of Medicine where she managed multiple ophthalmology subspecialty projects while administering high quality patient care. She was also an assistant high school debate coach up until 2018, coaching students in analytical thinking — as well as public speaking skills.
Alayne has an associate degree in liberal arts humanities and science from SUNY Sullivan. Since moving to Connecticut from NYC, she has picked up a few new hobbies such as learning to paddle board. She loves to spend time with her friends and family trying new restaurants and indulging in some of the best kept food secrets!