Our Path To End Human Trafficking

Our “Three E” Strategy aims at offering a sustainable long-term strategy to aid in the fight to end human trafficking, specifically targeting the sex trade.

We host and co-sponsor events throughout the year dedicated to shining light on human trafficking and bringing together stakeholders to raise awareness about this crime. Events have included film screenings, speakers, training sessions, and fundraisers. PEHT also partners with other organizations engaging in advocacy to fight human trafficking through legislative efforts. For more information, visit.

The PEHT Residential Home is committed to providing an environment free from exploitation for survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. We provide a safe, secure home, at an undisclosed location in Bridgeport, CT, serving females from any area. Our holistic, comprehensive services are tailored to each survivor’s needs and we encourage and support survivors to choose new paths and create new stories. Our program aims to help survivors achieve self-sufficiency after exploitation. The length of stay is an anticipated 1-2 years in an environment dedicated to encouraging dignity and respect. The PEHT Home encourages women to pursue education (GED, if applicable); vocational training through our social justice enterprise; trauma-and trafficking-informed treatment and activities for behavioral health; and daily living skill acquisition such as budgeting, basic cooking and housekeeping, and use of public transportation. Our focus for helping survivors thriving after adversity is executed through the Sanctuary Model ® for trauma informed care SELF (Safety, Emotions, Loss and Future) and spiritual freedom groups; opportunities to build the healthy, trusting relationships needed to build lives of self-sufficiency, success and happiness; and building support systems to pave way to self-sufficiency.

Economic empowerment and access to resources is critical for a survivor’s recovery to be sustainable. The PEHT Shop: Pets.Home.Life social justice enterprise is a pet retail business that manufactures and sells products hand-crafted by trafficking survivors and by women whose economic vulnerability makes them potential targets of human  traffickers. We provide on site job training in a trauma informed work environment. During the first phase of employment we provide paid training in the areas of financial literacy, building a resume, conflict management skills, time management, one on one supervision, computer training, and other workplace skills training.


Implementing our  “Three E” Strategy we will ensure success for the women who participate in our program.  Our services will...

  • Provide 24 month rent free home environment.
  • Provide wraparound case management and advocacy with health, education, and job training services.
  • Foster spiritual growth.
  • Provide job opportunities in the pet industry, including our PEHT retail initiative, to work towards financial self-sufficiency.